woensdag 9 december 2009

Skilling’s breakthrough

Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron and the mastermind behind the ‘Enron corruption scandal’, is finally getting his case reviewed. Skilling was accused of the embezzlement of enormous losses using illegal accounting tricks and forbidden loopholes. The white-collar criminal misrepresented the balance sheet of the energy trading company and brought the supplier to bankruptcy. Now, after almost 3 years in jail, his lawyer will try to influence the sentence by exploiting 2 possible mistakes made during his trial. Neither was the jury free from "venomous emotion", nor was his trial judge, Sim Lake, correct in handling the case. This way his 24 years prison sentence could possibly be reduced to a poor 15 years.

Bart De Clercq

Guardian 1
Guardian 2
Guardian 3

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